In addition to regular services, there are also bulk, flex and reserve services. If it is not a regular shift, this is always mentioned in the shift title and/or description.
Bulk shifts: bulk shifts are shifts where a large number of people are scheduled. They are later assigned to a final working time and workplace. The final working hours always fall within the time slot where you are scheduled. Therefore, your actual work time may be shorter than the times indicated at the bulk shift.
Flexdienst: a flexdienst is a shift where your working hours are known, but your work location is not yet known. You will not hear whether and where you are assigned until you are on location. If you are not assigned, we pay you 3 hours in compensation.
In the queue: If you are scheduled as a reserve, you are not obligated to work. Should it be necessary, for example, in case of a sickness absence, you will be the first to be called asking if you want to come to work. You will not receive compensation if you are not called to work.
Region reserve shift: If you are called between 07:30 and 12:00, we expect you to fill in the “missing shift”. This means working hours may vary throughout the day! Don't get called? Then it's an easy way to earn a little extra quickly.
If you do not answer your phone between 7:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., you will not receive payment and will be considered a no-show.
✔️ Have you worked? Then you get paid for your hours worked plus a BONUS of €25!
✔️ Recorded, but didn't get a shift? You will still receive a BONUS of €25!
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